Fredric Saunderson is Rights and Information Manager at the National Library of Scotland and Chair of the UK Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance. Fredric shared with attendees how the National Library of Scotland has adapted its processed in two copyright areas: collection donations and visitor photography.
Fredric Saunderson. Photo: Nadine Loach, 2018
As copyright guidance and legislation can be unclear and challenging, Fredric discussed the importance of clear guidance on copyright rules, and the reasons why these exist to be communicated to all collections users from visitors to exhibitions to researchers and staff.
In terms of developing visitor understanding of copyright and photography of their collections, The National Library of Scotland has made changes that enable and encourage visitor photography. For example, with ‘Photography Encouraged’ signage in exhibition and collections spaces. The signage gave an overview of the reasons for copyright law and how visitors can engage with collections through their own personal photography.
Importantly, Fredric quoted the UK Intellectual Property Office by stating that it is not infringement to put literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works on display. So, although Registrars must have a good understanding of copyright and implications for collections, it is also their responsibility to manage the risk and encourage engagement with collections through their display and research.